Sunday, May 5, 2013


weekly update 5/5/2013

Not much doing this week. The weather in Rochester has been better than it was here this past week. It's been cool, and cloudy, and has been raining off and on all week. In Rochester, I think it was sunny and the temps were in the 70's. It's really weird to have the weather there be better than the weather here - that doesn't happen often.

Donna is gone back to Maine, with a stop at Princeton to see her son, Joe (now known as Dr Joe) receive his PhD. What a wonderful accomplishment! But, I will miss her a lot before next October rolls around again, and I won't be going and doing as much as I do when she's here.

I did get out a couple of times this past week. I went to see the movie 42. It wasn't as good as I hoped it would be, and I was a little disappointed. And, on Thursday, I went to the Used Book Sale at the Senior Center. I had donated many of the books I'd already read, then went to load up on more to read. I bought 13 books; I wish I had counted before I checked out instead of waiting until I got back to the condo, because I avoid doing things in 13s if I can - i'm triskaidekaphobic.

So, this is pretty much what I've done all week:

sit in my chair, feet up, in my 'jamas, with a glass of wine close by, and reading a book.

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