Monday, March 3, 2014


weekly update 3/3/2014

It is returning to spring in Savannah. With temps in the 70's early in the week, I couldn't help but put the top down on the car and motor around to do some errands. By Wednesday, it got cooler, dropping into the 50's again, and it rained all day. Thursday was sunny & bright, but still cool. When I was out fo my walk at the Y, I noticed my little friends, the turtles were sunning themselves on a log. Theyr'e as ready for spring as I am, I think. 


It's been a while since I've gone to The Rail with Lisa and Dave, so I wanted to do that again. I took along my pocket Pictionary game to play while we were there. Good times! It was dark, but Kathy got a photo of us. 


What's one of my favorite things to do in Savannah? The Savannah Children's Theatre. After DH on Friday, I changed into my comfy clothes back at the condo before I remembered about the performance this weekend, so I went to a Saturday matinee of And Then There Were None, a mystery play based on the Agatha Christie thriller. Well done!

I didn't watch the Oscars. Since I'd seen very few of the nominations, and wasn't really interested in seeing any of the others (well, maybe Gravity), there didn't seem to be much point in watching.


  1. Doc and I saw those adorable turtles too while out on our walk, What happened to our springtime today? it's really cold for Savannah. more of the same all week I hear until Saturday,

  2. Love the turtle photo... Not so much the Pictionary gang... You look good though!
