Monday, June 2, 2014


weekly update 6/2/2014

This was not a very good week for going to the pool. Monday, of course, was the holiday, and Wendesday the pool was closed because of an electrical mishap (don't know the specifics). I never go on Fridays because I don't get up on time before having to go to DH. Saturday morning, I opened BC, but I didn't see anyone swimming as I made my way back to my condo. A good opportunity to get in the water to make up for some the swimming I'd missed during the week. It also looked as if it might rain, or maybe not, depending on which way you turned your head, so I thought that might keep some water enthusiasts away.

a strange day -- dark rain clouds and sunny blue sky with white puffy clouds in the distance. taken at the pool
Since all I did all week was watch tv and read, there isn't much to write. By Saturday, even I was a little bored with my inactivity. I got out last summer's bucket list, and decided to go to the Ralph Mark Gilbert Civil Rights Museum in Savannah. It was quite small, but interesting. Apparently, Savannah escaped much of the riots and violence that happened throughout the South in the 1960s, but it was not without it's boycotts and sit in demonstrations. 


1 comment:

  1. Didn't know this museum existed. Where is it?
    Hope the weather is better for swimming this week. x
