Monday, July 21, 2014


weekly update 7/21/2014

After last time, I'd promised Sylvia that I would help substitute delivering MOW on Wilmington Island if the chance ever arose again. Well, subs were needed again this week, so on Wednesday, I was back to helping make sure seniors get a hot, nutritious meal. I still don't miss doing this on a regular basis.

On Thursday, I was out running errands. I went to the Post Office, then to the Publix that's not far from there on Wilmington Island, not my Publix that's right across the street. On the way back, the fresh seafood wagon was on the side of the road near the bridge. I'd always been curious and wanted to see if that shrimp was good, so I stopped and got some fresh shrimp. I spent more time in my kitchen than I had altogether total in the last month, and made scampi. It really tasted great! And, because I'd bought fresh Georgia peaches and vanilla ice cream at the Publix, I had a wonderful dessert to top this off.


On Friday, I had my normal DH tours. Earlier in the week, I'd noticed on fb a photo of the cast from The Addams Family posing on the steps at DH. I investigated online and found that there's a theatre troupe I'd never hear of, the Savannah Summer Theatre Institute. High school and college students from around the country (in the performance I saw, there were kids from NC, WI, FL, IL, and GA - one who I've seen before at the SCT) come for an intensive 3-week “camp”, at the end of which they host a performance of a musical. Although I have a morbid fear of driving to places I'd never been before and therefore don't know the route, I gathered up my courage and headed out to Savannah Country Day School to see this play. It was amazing! As always, I am stunned by the talent of young people! Driving out was all right; driving home again in the dark was something else again. As terror set in, and I needed to turn around once, I gripped the steering wheel and safely navigated back to Mercer Point. Daring, Wilma.

Happy Birthday, Snooty! He's 65 today! I know someone only a little older than that. He lives at the Parker Manatee Aquarium In Bradenton, FL. I had (briefly) toyed with the idea of driving down to visit and share in the birthday celebration,, but since I have trouble getting to Southside Savannah, Bradenton is out of the question. Maybe next year. 


1 comment:

  1. Hoping you'll help me with my cultural activities calendar when I get home. Know it's still too hot there, without a pool & AC, but I'm ready to come home.
    Dinner looks good! xx
