Sunday, May 15, 2016


Weekly Update 5/15/2016

A few outings this week: Monday, I met Kay at the Crystal Beer Parlor for supper. Because she works (she's not as old as most of my friends), I don't get to see her so much, so it was a treat to have some time with her. Wednesday, I met Connie at Goose Feathers for a quick bite before I had to be at City Hall for a lecture.

Most of the the week was spent lounging at the pool. But on Wednesday, I needed to get some things done. I had signed up for a lecture at City Hall. It actually was one I'd heard before about Malcolm Maclean, who was the mayor of Savannah in the turbulent 1960's. But I wanted to hear it again. I had left the car by Forsyth Park, where parking is free, but that requires a pretty good hike to get to City Hall on Bay Street. And then a long walk back again. Since the headquarters and research library for the Georgia Historical Society are at the park, I decided this would be a good day to go in and see if I could find any information about Bacon Park. I spent a couple of hours there, but wasn't very lucky learning anything new. It was amazing, however, how transported I was back - back to my own 1960's, when I would spend entire days at the Central Library in Rochester, at a large library table in the main hall, doing research for some paper or other. I doubt that students need to do that any longer (is the Reader's Guide still published?) but I know I spent hours there. 

attending the lecture in a meeting room at City Hall

Hodgson Hall, the GHS library
This was that week that contained, you know, THAT day. There's few things I like better than being reminded over and over that I'm getting older, but there's nothing to be done about it. Thank you to all who send greetings or in other ways made the day ok. I didn't do anything all day - just went to the pool. The GHS annual meeting was in the evening, but since I didn't do anything else all day, it was too hard to move to get ready to go out for that, and I skipped it. 

HB, old lady
Saturday was a l-o-n-g day. I had to be at BC by 8:30 for a tour. I don’t usually have my eyes open at 8:30, so this was a challenge. It was also my day to sit in the Visitor Center at the cemetery in the afternoon to answer questions and hand out maps. And then in the evening, a few of my friends and I went to the live performance of Calendar Girls at the Muse Theater. I remembered the movie from several years ago, and I had enjoyed it, so when I saw this was going to be playing here, I wanted to see it. It was really good. The nudity was really a hoot, because these actors were not young girls, and some were quite (how to say it politely?) hefty. I'm embarrassed to be seen in public WITH clothes on, so how they feel about taking their clothes off is a mystery to me! But it was very funny. 

Here's something I don't do often, but Donna has been telling me how wonderful it is to go to the pool after dark.On Sunday, I didn't even crack the door, so I emailed her just before dark to ask if she'd be at the pool tonight. She was already there, so I made a big batch of margaritas, and headed to the pool. She is right! It is quite wonderful there after dark, and I enjoyed it!

in the pool after dark


  1. Avery and I went to their neighborhood pool last week and although the air was above 80, the water was still a bit cool. We only stayed about an hour. I hope next weekend is nice when we go back up again, and we can go for a bit after her recital. The water is getting warmer in the bay here now and we hope they get to come down over Memorial Day.

  2. Love your selfie with the glass of champagne. Pool after dark sounds LUSH, as the kids say here. xx
