Weekly Update 8/8/2021
Everyone has been intrigued by the story of Alexander Hamilton. I’m sure that’s because of the Broadway production. But even DH has caught the fever. There is a series of lectures on him that continue for four Tuesday evenings is August. I went to the first one last week, and was very impressed. It is a 30 minute lecture, followed by a 30 minute performance to enhance the lecture. The first lecture focused on Hamilton’s mother and his early years in the Caribbean and his move to NYC. There was much I didn’t know about the story, and I rather pride myself on being a history aficionado. I’m looking forward to the next three performances.
Among other ailments, I’ve been itchy lately. I don’t know what this is. I have not changed my laundry detergent or my bath soap. I suspected it might be bed bugs, (I believe you can see them if you look closely, but I could see nothing). I laundered all my bedding in hot water, but it didn’t seem to help. I requested that the apartment send someone to spray for pests in my apartment. That has seemed to help a little. Or maybe I’m just too fat and my clothes are too tight and are causing irritation. Who knows?
Wednesday, I was back at DH. What an inconvenient it is to have THREE things hanging on my ears; my glasses, my hearing aids, and now the mask again. In the overall scheme of things, this isn’t a huge deal, but it seems a little unnecessary.
On Thursday, the forecast was for rain all day. Instead of meeting in Green Square, I met my friends at Whole Foods for coffee. They have pumpkin spice latte already, so the choice was easy for me. Also on Thursday, I had a zoom meeting with TLC book club. This club can meet in person at the Senior Center, or on line, but I was on line this time. We are still reading about British mystery writers in the Golden Age.
People Magazine this week features a local story on the cover. I paid $6 to buy this magazine, and I don’t know most of the “celebrities” in it, so it’s pretty much a waste of money for me.. The murder has been BIG news here for a long time, and I wanted to know if there’s anything to add to what my local news media has reported. About 2 years ago, there was a boating accident involving a drunk 17-year-old in which a young girl was killed, across the river from Savannah in SC. He is from a wealthy and prominent family of generations of lawyers. He has still never faced any consequences for this “accident”, although an investigation was still underway. He, and his mother, were found murdered at the family hunting lodge in June this year. Local gossip is that Paul Muraugh’s murder is retribution for the death of the young lady, and that the mother was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. But whatever happened, it will never be known. The rich are different.
I bought a book titled I Eliza Hamilton (his wife) but I have not started it yet. I gave several I bought but have not read - right now I’m mostly reading cozy mysteries since I’m usually tired from touring places while on the road